On site conference options
- Pre-organized panel of three speakers plus one moderator: 3 speakers giving formal 20-minute papers on a related theme or methodology, plus moderated discussions (90 minutes total) Submission for review: Panel title, panel abstract (300 words max.), abstracts of the individual papers (300 words max.) speaker and moderator bios (150 words max).
- Individual paper presentation: 20 minutes. Scheduled by the organization in a panel session with two other speakers.(90 minutes in total)
- Submission for review: paper title, paper abstract (300 words max.) plus bio.
- Pre-organized roundtables with three or more participants, including a moderator: Roundtables may focus on questions related to research, teaching, or other aspects of the broader field of book history. Although the number of participants is not strictly limited, all roundtables will last one hour, and to facilitate discussion it is suggested that the moderator work with panelists to prepare a list of questions and topics for discussion rather than having panelists deliver lengthy prepared remarks.
Submission for review: Roundtable title, abstract of 300 words max., speaker and moderator bios of 150 words max. 90 minutes.
- Lightning session. Advanced MA students and PhD students may also be interested in participating in our Lightning sessions, which will offer, per session, five speakers the opportunity to share 1 slide about their ongoing project (e.g. PhD project) in exactly 5 minutes. The discussions will be moderated by a chair (session length: 60 minutes total).
Submission for review: Project (working) title, abstract of 150 words max., speaker bio of 150 words max.
- Poster session (digital showcase?): Advanced MA students and PhD students may also be interested in sharing a poster on site, in one of the venues during breaks.